David E. Kelly is a legal thespian. He is the John Grisham of television. Do you remember "The Practice"? Are you watching "Boston Legal" and the brand new show from David´s arsenal called "The Law Firm"? I want to hear from highschool seniors, college fraternity members, law students, professors and anyone who watches "The Law Firm". I am a writer, auther and entrepreneur. My most recent book is titled "From the Palace to the Prison". You can get it at www.cafepress.com/manning .
In the book we offer stipends for students, financial awards and rewerds. If you´ve read anything by Gery Spence or "Actual Innocence" by Barry Scheck I think you´ll enjoy "From the palace to the Prison".
I´m on the westcost and my agent is in Switzerland. Our newest, most controvertial and politically incorrect book is due out very soon. Timothy Goebel, Eminem, My Chemical Romance and Green Day are all covered in the book.
We publish reader comments, critisisms, photos and even student essays in our books.... I´d like pro and con opinoins on the Michael Jackson verdict. I´d like to know what you like or dislike about "The Law Firm" and "Boston Legal".
Did you see the movie "Mr. Hurricane" with Denzel Washington" Waht did you think of it? Please post a comment, message, opinion and inform us of any journalism, law or criminal justice student who are outstanding and should be profilled in our books.
Yould you like to start a NAPS (National Association fo Public Safety) chapter in your school, college, church, office or club? Be sure to Email that info to hallopeter@freesurf.ch. I am Sherman D. Manning . Log on to www.nbc.com and tell David E. Kelly you read this blog. Thanks.
In the book we offer stipends for students, financial awards and rewerds. If you´ve read anything by Gery Spence or "Actual Innocence" by Barry Scheck I think you´ll enjoy "From the palace to the Prison".
I´m on the westcost and my agent is in Switzerland. Our newest, most controvertial and politically incorrect book is due out very soon. Timothy Goebel, Eminem, My Chemical Romance and Green Day are all covered in the book.
We publish reader comments, critisisms, photos and even student essays in our books.... I´d like pro and con opinoins on the Michael Jackson verdict. I´d like to know what you like or dislike about "The Law Firm" and "Boston Legal".
Did you see the movie "Mr. Hurricane" with Denzel Washington" Waht did you think of it? Please post a comment, message, opinion and inform us of any journalism, law or criminal justice student who are outstanding and should be profilled in our books.
Yould you like to start a NAPS (National Association fo Public Safety) chapter in your school, college, church, office or club? Be sure to Email that info to hallopeter@freesurf.ch. I am Sherman D. Manning . Log on to www.nbc.com and tell David E. Kelly you read this blog. Thanks.